Estas son las tarjetas de los Garbage Pail Kids dedicadas al rock

¿Recuerdan las Garbage Pail Kids ? Auténtico materia de colección de los 80's que continuaron saliendo en diferentes ediciones todos estos años. Ahora, un total de 180 tarjetas conforman Topps Garbage Pail Kids 2017 versión Battle of the Bands (que ya tuvo una primera serie) y rinden homenaje a bandas y solistas de los géneros pop, rap, alternativo, rock clásico, hard rock y metal. Entre las tarjetas hay excelentes parodias de Metallica, Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie, Taylor Swift, The Beatles y Ozzy Osborne.

Esta es la lista de tarjetas:


1a Rip Van Michael
2a Crashing Kim
3a In Control Curt
4a Thurston Morgue
5a Canned Kurt
6a Bashing Billy
7a Flaming Liam
8a Raw Rivers
9a OK Gordon
10a Dragon Dan

1b Sleeping Stipe
2b Fouled Frank
3b Pete Puppets
4b Sonic Senior Steve
5b Dirty Dave
6b Cracking Corgan
7b Weird Wayne
8b Uncooked Cuomo
9b Harry It Goes Again
10b Imaginative Ira

Garbage Pail Kids 1

Classic Rock

1a Johnny Crash
2a Beached Brian
3a Lonely Lennon
4a Mick Lick
5a Mod Rodge
6a For the Boys
7a Jammed Jim
8a Grateful Ted
9a Glowin’ Jimi
10a Rowdy Rodger
11a Pierced Pete
12a Burrito Grande Gram
13a Freaky Frank
14a Fenced Floyd
15a Insane Ian
16a Elaborate Elton
17a Jeff’s Journey
18a Glass Fracturin’ Freddie
19a Bearded Billy
20a Clawed Cougar

1b Ringo of Fire
2b Waves Wilson
3b Palpitating Paul
4b Jacked Up Jagger
5b Targeted Townshend
6b Rancid Roger
7b Slammed Dory
8b Bear Attack Bob
9b Heating Hendrix
10b Daft Daltry
11b Tortured Townshend
12b Cooked Chris
13b Yellow Snow Joe
14b Bricked Nick
15b Adenoids Anderson
16b Rocket Manny
17b Lift Off Lynn
18b Bursting Brian
19b Frank Beardless
20b Mauled Mellencamp

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Hard Rock

1a Lead Zep
2a Bashed Buck
3a Asphyxiated Alice
4a Motor Ed
5a Aching Angus
6a Swallowing Steven
7a Dueling David
8a Burned Brett
9a Joyless Jon

1b Ridiculous Icarus
2b Demolished Dharma
3b Choking Cooper
4b Lumpy Lemmy
5b Ballbreak Earl
6b Big Trap Tyler
7b Sammy Hater
8b Mutilated Michaels
9b Bad Name Bon

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1a Oozing Ozzy
2a Met Al
3a Mega Seth
4a Nine Inch Neil
5a Zombie Robbie
6a Marilyn Oh No
7a I. Ron Maiden
8a Andy Thrax
9a Phantom Forge
10a Masto Don

1b Jack Sabbath
2b Aster of Puppets
3b Rattle Ed
4b Tacked Trent
5b Hot Rob
6b “Handsome” Manson
7b Iron Irene
8b Hurt Ian
9b Ghostly Goore
10b Beassty Brent

New Wave and Punk

1a Are We Not Manny?
2a Sinking Sting
3a Bea Hive
4a Debbie Scary
5a Stung Sting
6a TV Tom
7a Ruined Ramone
8a Safety Pin Sid
9a Misfit Manny
10a Green Dave

1b Dee Vo
2b Sunk Stewart
3b Love Shack Cindy
4b Heartless Harry
5b Stinging Sumner
6b Insane Verlaine
7b Graffitti Dee Dee
8b Pierced Paul
9b Ghost Glenn
10b Barfin’ Billie

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1a Monarch Michael
2a Magic Michael
3a Hairy Barry
4a Mournful Michael
5a Disjointed Joel
6a Daft Paul
7a Ted Mouse
8a Unabashed Blake
9a Fall Out Boyd
10a Can’t See Sia
11a Messy Miley
12a Torturing Taylor
13a Ed Sheerin’
14a Krazy Katy
15a Harry Style
16a Kooky Kesha
17a Gasp-Inducing Gaga
18a Awful Ariana
19a Unruli Charli
20a Rory Rags
21a Twenty One Tyler

1b King of Plop
2b Jack Sen-Sational
3b Gross Gibb
4b Melancholy McDonald
5b Piano Manny
6b Daryl Punk
7b Dead D. Jay
8b Gross Gwen
9b Plutonium Patrick
10b Furry Furler
11b Coughed-Up Cyrus
12b Swift Break-Up
13b Red Sheeran
14b Scary Perry
15b Juan Direction
16b Retchin’ Rose
17b Bachelor Bennett
18b Grande Latte
19b Acting Up Aitchison
20b Bone Manny
21b Jockeyed Josh

Rap and R&B

1a Deafening Darryl
2a Flava Dave
3a Beastie Boyd
4a Vile Jay
5a Pit Bill
6a Diane Woord
7a Multiple Marlon
8a Purple Prince
9a Rainy Rihanna
10a Bruno Martian

1b Sonorous Simmons
2b Stuck Chuck
3b Mixed-Up Mike
4b Stinky Shaggy
5b Puppy Perez
6b Nin-John
7b Conjoined Jermaine
8b Rainy Rogers
9b R&B Robyn
10b Mars Attacks


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